Tuesday, June 30, 2009


YES! I have finally made it through creating a blogger! woooh, what a rush!
I am looking forward to joining the Adirondack Classroom team. I am very excited to not only learn, but share our knowledge and skills with eachother.
A little bit about myself:
I have spent my whole life in the outdoors. For conservation purposes I hunt, trap and fish. I also like it because my family usually lives off of a semi-primitive diet. Other activities I enjoy are kayaking, snowboarding, skiing, hiking...pretty much anything outside (though a movie is nice now and then)!
I love teaching just as much as I love learning new things. Through my experiences I have gained a greater insight on what educational opportunities are available to teachers and children.
I volunteered for a month long internship at the DEC Rogers Institute where I gained knowledge and experience teaching mammals, birds, wildlife ecology, tracks and signs in the outdoors and pond ecology. While I was there I also received training to be a Project WILD Facilitator. Previously to that I had participated in WILD Aquatics, Flying WILD, Project WET, Basic WILD and a trial workshop for Child Caregivers. I also volunteer frequently with Cummings Nature Center where I bring schools on "Pioneer life" tours and help set up public programs for families, teachers, etc.
While I have not found a teaching job yet, I have dedicated 3 years to substitute teaching and temporary positions in elementary, middle school and high school districts.
My goal as a future teacher is to help myself and others to provide an engaging curriculum, choices in learning venues for students, a stronger sense of commitment to learning, and a sense of belonging...of community.